Knowledge, attitude and practices among Gynecologists regarding Oral Health of expectant mothers of Vadodara City, Gujarat


Background and Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices among Gynecologists’ regarding oral health of expectant mothers of Vadodara city, by using self designed, structured, pre-tested close ended questionnaire.

Methodology: Total of 130 gynaecologists are included in the study. Ethical approval was obtained by the Ethics committee, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara. Prior to study, questionnaire was pre-tested and validated. Those individuals who participated in the pilot study were not considered for the main study to prevent possible bias. The informed consent was obtained and information sheet was given. The questionnaire was administered on first day of visit and on the next day it was collected back. For statistical analysis SPSS package version 17 and Pearson’s Chi Square test was used.

Results:  The study revealed that majority of gynecologists had good knowledge, attitude and practices regarding oral health of expectant mothers and there is no significant difference in relation with age, sex and years in practice.

Conclusion: Majority of gynecologists had good knowledge, attitude and practices but still there is a need for more active participation and involvement of medical specialists like gynecologists and pediatricians, in continuing education programs and forums on dentistry.  

Keywords:  Gynecologists, Expectant mother, Oral health

Shah, H. G., Ajithkrishnan, C., Sodani, V., & Chaudhary, N. J. (2013). Knowledge, attitude and practices among Gynecologists regarding Oral Health of expectant mothers of Vadodara City, Gujarat. International Journal of Health Sciences, 7(2). Retrieved from
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