Compound Odontomas In Saudi Child – A Case Report


Odontomas are odontogenic lesions with occurrence rate of 22% in the oral Cavity. They generally appear as small, solitary ormultiple radio-opaque lesions on routine radiographic examinations and are subdivided into complex or compound odontomas morphologicaly.Compound odontomas occur commonly in the incisor-canine region of the maxilla and complex odontomas are located frequently in the premolar and molar region of both jaws. This paper describes a case of compound odontoma in anterior maxilla blocking the eruption of upper incisors and canine in a eight years old child. The surgical excision of the lesion was performed to allow the eruption of permanent teeth. In present case three years follow up indicate no sign of recurrence. Early detection of odontomas allows the adoption of a less complex expensive treatment, eruption of permanent teeth and ensures better prognosis.

Keywords: Odontomas, Compound Odontoma, Complex Odontoma, Odontogenic Lesions.

Ikram, R., & Al -Eid, A. A. A. R. (2013). Compound Odontomas In Saudi Child – A Case Report. International Journal of Health Sciences, 7(2). Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Rashad Ikram, Ministry of Health, Buraidah Central Hospital, Qassim.
Consultant Oral & Maxillo-Facial Surgeon Ministry of Health, Buraidah Central Hospital, Qassim. KSA.
Abdul Aziz Abdul Rehman Al -Eid, Minstery of Health , Buraidah Central Hospital, Al -Qassim, KSA.
Consultant/Medical Director Dental Buraidah Central Hospital, Al-Qassim,KSA.